Khajeem began playing the clarinet at age 10. At age 17 he began
playing in the West Hills Symphonic Band. That same year he began
his first encounter with Balkan music, playing for the Slavjane Folk
Ensemble. Over the years he has played with many groups
including The North Pittsburgh Civic Symphony, The Good Company Players
(A recorder ensemble), All Strings Considered (A mostly Irish band),
Amarillis (An English Country/Contra Dance band (As an occasional
guest)), Nokh A Mol (Klezmer). He Currently plays with The Balkan
Babes (Women’s Balkan singing ensemble) and The Pittsburgh Savoyards
(Gilbert and Sullivan operettas). Khajeem plays the clarinet,
sax, kaval (Bulgarian flute), and mey or duduk (Turkish or Armenian
small instrument with a large double reed, and hopes to add the ney
(Turkish flute), and zurna (loud instrument with a small double reed).