Dom - Khajeem - Jas - JT - Mahakaruna - Neefa - Sadira - Safa - Safiya

Dominic started playing the trombone at an early age, took up the trumpet as a teenager to make some spare cash playing fanfares at weddings, and then the guitar in college when his roommate threatened to wrap the trombone round his neck. He has played with big orchestras and jazz bands in several stuffy ivory towers, and since moving to Pittsburgh in 2004 has played in a range of rock'n'roll, folk and country combos at local venues. In Khafif he's played the guitar, cümbüş, mandolin, trumpet, trombone, harp, tin whistle, and more or less anything that comes in useful from time to time. His recent interests include sharpening the pencil and composing music specially for the band, fancifully combining middle eastern and early European folk and courtly styles. He's a busy father of two young children and on less demanding days he works as a software engineer at Google Pittsburgh. Some more of his musical and other interests can be explored at