Doumbek Sound Font:

Donavon Lerman sent me a SoundFont that can be used with my MIDI rhythm generator.

You'll have to figure out how to get it to work on your system (i.e. how to get your MIDI player to use it when playing MIDI files).

Here are the files:
Doumbek SoundFont
an .mp3 demo of the SoundFont in action (a midi file from this site converted to mp3)

Here is what Donavon says:

SoundFont commissioned by Donavon Lerman -
The sounds used in the SoundFont were made by Faisal
Zedan -

1) When using the SoundFont others can copy, distribute
and use the SoundFont and derivative works based upon
it but only if they give credit and it's for
non-commercial purposes only.

Key Layout:

Melodic Pool:
60	C5	Doum Back
61	C#5	Doum Front
62	D5	Finger Doum Back
63	D#5	Finger Doum Front
64	E5	Rim Doum Front
65	F5	Tek Front
66	F#5	Soft Tek Front
67	G5	Half Tek Front
68	G#5	Slap Front
69	A5 	Half Slap Front

Percussive Pool:
(This one matches whats at
They are channel 10 (drum sound) keys.

64 - Doum Front
62 - Tek Front
45 - Half Slap Front
35 - Slap Front
63 - Half Tek
70 - Doum Back
71 - Finger Doum Back
72 - Finger Doum Front
73 - Rim Doum Front
74 - Soft Tek Front